
Nutriera experts were invited to attend the Asian Aquaculture Conference 2018 and contributed a presentation

PubDate:2018-12-06 Sources: Views:5663

On 3 – 6 December 2018, the Asian Aquaculture Conference 2018 was held in AITCC (Asian Institute of Technology Conference Centre) of Thailand, two Nutriera experts Mr. Dong Qiufen and Mr. Wang Yaohua were invited to attend it and share a presentation.

This Asian Aquaculture Conference 2018 was organized by Asian Institute of Technology (AIT). Dr. Krishna R. SALIN, Associate Professor @ AIT Aquaculture was the Conference Chair. The Conference was co-organized by the Department of Fisheries, Thailand, and the China-ASEAN Center for Joint Research and Promotion of Marine Aquaculture Technology, China. It was also supported by Ananda Group, India; World Aquaculture Society (WAS) and the WAS-Asia Pacific Chapter; Network of Aquaculture Centers in Asia Pacific (NACA), Bangkok; Institution of Aquaculture Singapore and Aquaculture Asia Pacific, Singapore. The conference brought together world’s leading expertise who were from 30 different countries and areas for presentation and communication. There were more than 250 participants attended this conference, they came from different aspects of aquatic breeding, farming, feed, processing and export, and also officials and teachers and students from government agencies, universities and research institutions.

DR. EDEN Y WOON, the President of Asian Institute of Technology of Thailand, DR. ADISORN PROMTHEP, the Director General of Department of Fisheries of Thailand and other officials and experts gave remarks and addresses during the conference opening ceremony, and warmly welcomed the global aqua experts get together in Bangkok. Asian aquaculture pioneers by its share of over 89% of the global production, but there are different new changes and new problems during the development of global economy and aquatic products supply-demand. A lot of outstanding aquatic scientists and enterprises were in this Asian Aquaculture Conference 2018 to share and discuss new innovations and successful stories on R&D and research-to-business. It would be helpful to push the aquaculture upgrading and sustainable development, to supply health, safe and convenient aquatic products to human beings.

There were 58 presentations and 16 posters in the conference, covering seed, feed, farming, diseases, processing and export sessions. They were contributed by experts from different countries, in which there were a lot of famous Chinese professors and experts who were from Sun Yat-sen University, Shanghai Ocean University, Yellow Sea Fisheries Research Institute, and Ocean University of China.

Mr. Dong Qiufen, the International Business Director of Nutriera Group gave a presentation named “Pangasius (Pangasianodon hypophthalmus) in China”, by the latest statistical data, information and photos, Mr. Dong shared the history of pangasius, the global pangasius consumption, pangasius situation in China and the seafood opportunities for Southeast Asia countries. The attendees were attracted by those 4 innovated pangasius farming systems with white filet production technology, which were very different from the farming ways in other countries. Nutriera is willing to share the new technologies with global partners and achieve more opportunities in Chinese seafood markets.

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